Yes, NIDA trained Cate Blanchett and Mel Gibson; but have you met the NIDA marketing team? 👀

This vibrant group are a mix bag of diversely skilled creatives; who know how to make me laugh when I’m trying to deliver a serious social media workshop! You can sense their drive to tell the student’s story the moment you walk through that extravagant NIDA entrance.

For this c(k)lient it wasn’t about reinventing the wheel; the goal was to refine and strategise their social media approach; whilst serving a little KK motivation to level up. They have the skills and an endless pool of fabulous content - the team just needed the direction and vision.

During Q4 2022, NIDA engaged KK on two services (in preparation for 2023):

1 x Strategy session and the development of their annual marketing strategy

2 x Full-day upskill workshops

Since engaging with KK, the team have enhanced their presence in social media with an Instagram Reels and Story focused strategy. In the last quarter of 2022, the team increased their organic social media sessions to site by 1,499% and drove a 53% lift in Instagram story reach (compared to the previous quarter).

What is the so what? This performance signals a shift in the brand share of voice in Instagram, achieved through a consistent strategy that is focused on the strongest social media placements and formats in 22/23.

Social media upskill day at NIDA.

1,499% ⬆️

Organic social media sessions to site

Q4 VS Q3 2022

53% ⬆️

Instagram story reach

Q4 VS Q3 2022

NIDA takeaways

  1. Consistency of posting frequency is key.

  2. Be community focused; but always brand first.

  3. NIDA students are the authentic storytellers - it’s time to bring the NIDA story to life.

What’s next in store?

We have huge plans in 2023 to explore new digital territory & to further lean on the amazing NIDA community…

so watch this stage! 🎭

If you’re looking for a productive & engaging way to upskill your team, enhance your marketing & be strategic first - KK has something in store for you!

If you’re not too sure what service you need or would like to learn more, click Send Fax or if you’re ready to jump in, click Book.